Akashic Records Consultations


Monthly Weather Report

Akashic Monthly Weather Report

Once a month, around the new moon I will be opening the Akashic Records for some words of wisdom from the Akashic Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones to support our collective journey navigating these challenging times of death and rebirth of a paradigm. Within an overarching collective theme we can all find our unique version. I hope the Akashic Monthly Weather Report will support your personal journey within the whole. Take what resonates with you, and leave the rest. This is not meant to be a divisive discourse to choose a right or wrong perspective. But, wisdom from a channeled supportive perspective about the journey we are all navigating on a soul level at this time.

Akashic Weather Report


Can you give me some history of when and how our relationship with the essence of love changed and was corrupted into enmeshment, sacrifice and martyrdom?

This is an interesting question and as you know this is what has plagued humanity for a very long time. It is impossible to control humanity when it is connected to love in its essence, as that equates to being connected to Source of life, God, Goddess of creation. It was deliberately corrupted when certain religions came into being, and humanity was put into a place of control. It is also when nature was demonized, as nature was a threat as a living breathing entity that reflected not only love but could not be controlled. It is another reason why those who worshipped nature as a physical manifestation of love and the Goddess were demonized. So, of course then the Goddess had to be demonized. The corruption began with religions.

Sacrifice was instilled as righteous. Martyrdom was seen as an act of bravery. Enmeshment resulted out of survival. As, without love one would not survive. This isn’t news to you. What you may not realize is that it is so deeply rooted that anyone who releases themselves from the control, will know themselves to be infused with Source energy. Love and Source cannot be separated. As well as a deeper knowing that everything is love and Source. But there are frequencies of it. Your gradual shifting to sacrifice and martyrdom was out of love. But, it was a lower vibration of love. Releasing from the corrupted version of love raises your vibration into a higher frequency of love. This is the process humanity, at least some of humanity is going through.

Enmeshment is actually a survival mechanism. Based on fear of survival. In a corrupted way is a form of low vibration of love for ourselves so one doesn’t die. As you can see it is all love, just different frequencies. Transmuting enmeshment into a higher frequency of love is a necessary step to being able to surrender to both life and death, and experiencing them as love as well. The experience of both life and death raises in frequency. So don’t look at sacrifice, martyrdom, enmeshment as something to banish, but transmute into a higher frequency. Can you feel the difference between releasing and banishing?


Can you share with me how releasing and transmuting are connected? Am I transmuting energy, as I’m releasing it?

When you do your releasing with a candle, or fire in some form, it transmutes it. Fire transmutes energy. When you release something such as sacrifice, trauma, etc you are transmuting it as you are no longer holding onto it as reality. As a part of you. You are no longer giving it your energy, life force. That in itself transmutes it. What you are doing is releasing yourself as a caretaker of it. So it has no choice but to transmute, into what you are calling in, what you are visioning for yourself. The energy is being fed a higher vibrational intention. Releasing it supports it to transform as you are releasing that vibrational frequency of it. You are releasing yourself from feeding it with a belief that goes with it, that holds it at that frequency. So releasing and transmuting are the same.



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Mary Lane

Art by Teresa Moorehouse

45 minute zoom or phone consultations


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Book An Akashic Records Consultation with Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones

Akashic records are believed to be a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. It’s a recording of every soul’s journey since the beginning of time. Accessing the Akashic Records can give insight into life circumstances, non-serving patterns, past lives, and potential future aligned with free will. Just about everything. Your records are accessed and shared by the Masters, Teachers & Loved Ones who oversee the Records in a non-physical realm.

Thank you so much Mary! You are a brilliant channel. I was so moved by our session. It feels like I have a clear road map

That Is already working its magic.

Thank you and I love you my friend…YOU are amazing!

Stevie Gayle



Thanks so much for the awesome reading.  It really rang true and got me excited to take my next steps (in alignment!!!!). I love you and thank you for being YOU!!


WOW 💚❤️🧡💙💛💜🖤🤍🤎

Your reading was exquisite- mahalo for that Mary!

I look forward to sitting with this daily and truly soaking in the messages until they begin to feel honest from the inside out!

You’re such a gift 🎁 Inspiring us all 🥰


I can't say I ever had an Akashic Record reading before so I wasn't sure what to expect or even ask.  But Mary created a safe sacred space to feel comfortable and open in and I was able to easily ask questions and converse with these beings.  I received many key messages that I needed to hear at this time.  And I keep going back to the words/messages I heard during my reading as I find myself navigating through these challenging times that I think we can all relate to.  I am so grateful for Mary's grounded presence and skillful manner of opening up to the records and getting out of the way to allow the beings to speak through her in an authentic, powerful and loving way.

Catherine Haefner  

This is a whole new realm of knowledge for me. What an eye opener. I was able to get a very clear answer to a question that I had never even thought to formulate.  I must say I was slightly shaken by the information as it came through Mary. I have homework for to do for some time and rejoice for the outcome.  I can whole heartedly indorse Mary and her work. 

With joy and peace,

Marbie or Martha

Mary Thank you so much for the amazing Akashic Reading.  I had never had one before and was pleasantly surprised with all the information that came thru.  It answered so many questions I have had all my life regarding the reason I am here in this current reincarnation on Planet Earth as well as getting me started on the path to healing my battle with Topical Steroid Withdrawer.  Once I started doing the exercises that came thru during the reading so many natural health practitioners just started coming into my life and were able to get me in quickly and get me started in the right direction.  I can't say enough on how wonderful the reading with you was. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Cherry Hicks

Having an Akashic reading with Mary was a truly profound experience. Her ability to see through the veils of consciousness and illuminate what was ready to shift in my life was incredible. She helped me recognize and release deep-seated patterns that were no longer serving me, and I felt an immediate and powerful transformation.

Mary creates a space of deep safety and support, allowing her insights to be received with trust and openness. The clarity she provided on subjects I had struggled to resolve on my own was life-changing. Her guidance through the Akashic Records made it easy to embrace new possibilities with confidence and grace.

I am deeply grateful for her work and highly recommend her Akashic readings to anyone seeking profound inner shifts and alignment.

With gratitude, Manuela Christener