Love of Plants
Plant Related Offerings
The many ways you can access support from our plant allies
For customized plant spirit essence remedies, with or without consultation contact mary@divinenourishment.net
Mary is currently living in the mountains of Western North Carolina near Asheville. Her love of the plant kingdom has unfolded over many years through her relationship with food, herbs, and plant spirits. They have become spiritual allies for a multitude of modalities of support. She spends much of her time hiking, foraging, and learning about the plethora of wild food and medicine, both physically and spiritually. The plant kingdom has been instrumental in Mary’s journey of remembering herself as part of the natural world.
Mary shares with students in person, and online through short immersion classes.
Examples of areas of plant relationship Mary shares:
Food as medicine. Mary weaves her years of culinary artistry and the medicinal qualities of food as a way to nourish yourself aligned with nature’s wisdom.
Weaving nutritive tonic herbs into life as a way to prevent illness and imbalance, such as herbs that keep your immune system strong, your blood and organ systems nourished, release tension so your body can receive nourishment. She supports you to just have these infusions as a part of your lifestyle.
Identifying some of the wonderful wild spring greens, autumn wild mushrooms, and safe wild herbs for a basic apothecary you can turn to when needed.
Identifying the self-similarity between your inner landscape and the landscape around you as you unfold through the cycles, whether it is yearly, or life.
How to feel the call of a plant spirit, journey to it to receive its multidimensional medicine and teaching.
How to make plant spirit essences and build a plant spirit apothecary for spirit and soul support.
What is Plant Spirit Essence
Plant Spirit Essences are derived from a relationship between the practitioner and plant, shamanic journey to the spirit, and a reciprocal agreement for the plant spirit to offer its medicine through the medium the practitioner is providing. It is a very sacred relationship built on respect, integrity, collaboration, and love. Most often it is the plants that call the practitioner into collaboration of offering their medicine. They are eager to support us. It is not separate from a deep relationship with our Mother.
Plant Spirits address imbalances in the spirit body, and this healing works its way through all the bodies, into the physical.
How to Dose a Plant Spirit Essence
The best way to work with Plant Spirit Essences is to first feel which one is calling you. Through an inner knowing, pendulum, muscle testing, whatever your method is. Using the same method ask yes and no questions. How many drops, how many times a day, for how many days? If it isn’t clear a good general does is 7 drops, two times a day, for 21 days. It often takes 21 days to support an energetic shift. Pay attention to your dreams & life to inform you of imbalance that is being addressed. Participate in journey.
Caring For Your Plant Spirit Essence
Keep away from EMFs, heat, cold, direct sunlight. Shake bottle and squeeze dropper to wake it up. If you touch the dropper, rinse it off with warm water, so it’s not contaminated. Take prescribed dose under tongue in a clean mouth. Do not eat or drink 15 minutes before or after. For best results, place on your altar, and offer your gratitude for the support you are given.
Featured Plant Allies For Purchase
Ghost Pipe Plant Spirit Essence
Ghost Pipe (Monotropa uniflora), also known as Indian Pipe, is known to help with physical and emotional pain/grief.
I made a plant spirit essence of this extraordinary plant on the recent new moon and solar eclipse. The plant spirit medicine that came through to be passed on through me is the pain of the heart.
The core, deep seated pain of rejection. Not only from a paradigm that does not embrace our authenticity, but the pain we carry in our hearts from rejecting ourselves to conform to this old paradigm.
Ghost Pipe has the wisdom to act as a drip system infusing our hearts with the healing energy a little at a time, so it can be fully integrated, as it dissipates the discordant energy. It starts in the heart and works its way through all the chakras, as this core rejection of self affects our empowerment, connection to our sexual creative energy, our sense of belonging, our voice, our trust in our own wisdom, and our connection to spirit. An extraordinary plant spirit ally to support freeing us from a core wound rooted within the heart.
Huachuma Plant Spirit Essence
Also, known as San Pedro
Huachuma, a sacred medicine cactus highly revered in the Andean Mountains.
Many know this as a powerful journey medicine. But few know it as a plant spirit essence.
The plant spirit medicine of this sacred cactus that wants to be shared through me is the wisdom of the heart. A beautiful, gentle Grandfather energy that connects you with the wisdom your heart carries, and the support to drop deeper into this wisdom, and surrender to its guidance.
As we navigate these challenging times with information overload, not knowing what is true, it is the wisdom of our own hearts we need to listen to.
Usnea Plant Spirit Essence
Lichen, combination of both fungus and algae.
Even though Usnea is ancient, it is also a medicine for a new way of being for society. Usnea reunites a person's ancient being with the techno-human who has forgotten the original one-ness of all life, the sacred.
It heals the split in the soul which manifests as separateness on all levels. And restores the intimacy between the planet and the body, restoring the recognition of both as sacred. Competition and one up/one down has run its course.
Honoring yourself is key to honoring others. Not just the side you are proud of, but the side that needs your compassion. Honoring both for yourself and others is needed in a new society. Union of both creates a new reality and restores the sacred in society.
“There is nothing like love to support the chi.”
Each step taken is infused with Divine love, necessary, and linked to the next step. Including a step you take that shows you the shadow side.
When you are present, you can receive Divine love. When you are present in each step you can also offer it. That flow of love supports and builds the chi, like nothing else can. This plant spirit essence supports you to be present, and receive the gift of every step you take in life as Divine Love, building your life force.
Mugwort (artemisia vulgaris)
This plant spirit is masterful at unblocking energy that is stuck beneath the surface, that you are unaware of. Not only unblock the energy, but bring the issue to the surface for you to see, engage, and release, on an emotional and mental level. I don’t know of any plant spirit that supports our souls to keep moving forward in our evolution.
She also is supporting Mother Earth. I have had a 25 year relationship with this plant spirit, and she has been an immense ally, deserving of great respect.
Angel’s Trumpet
Angel's Trumpet plant spirit essence offers its trumpet-like call, heralding a time of transformation and rebirth. It is especially helpful for those in transition, those resisting letting go of material attachments, or those engaged in the literal dying process.
This plant spirit remedy is so wonderful for those who are ready to release and free their souls unto the Divine. Angel's Trumpet remedy is perfect for those seeking expression through the soul. The key words are release, surrender, and allow. The essence also helps those who are in need of spiritual re-birth.
Hi Mary,
I wanted to let you know how my client is doing with the Angel's Trumpet. We really settled into ''being'' with each other this week as I spent longer shifts each day to support her caregiving. She is using the essence every day and I have seen such subtle yet powerful shifts in her. The first day I met her it felt as if she were hanging on for dear life, abdominal distress, pain, stressed look on her face, not wanting any outside help. And as I have observed her this week with discussions and holding space she is joking, smiling, using less pain meds, and not using anything for anxiety. I feel her letting go to what is. Love and blessings, Lynn
This plant spirit essence is one of the most valuable essences one can have, for moving through life feeling held, reducing anxiety, end-of-life care, or walking towards your own death. Whether it is death of an identity, relationship, or body. We can almost always use it, as cannabis is an embodiment of Divine Mother energy.
Haleakala Blend
This blend of Silversword, Ahinahina, and Silver Artemisia, (Wormwood) was wildcrafted in the crater of Haleakala on Maui.
The blend balances the divine feminine, and masculine energy within ones heart. and circulates the energy. The blend is accompanied by an energy practice. Extremely rare and sacred, as well as potent for strengthening sacred union within.
Jack Frost Psilocybin Mushroom
This is strictly the essence, as with all other essences, with no amount of mushroom matter. There is no high, just the consciousness & vibration.
This essence was channeled by Amber of Starr Council Haven - Photo by Eagle Heart Photo
Assists with Dissolving ones ego with ease to allow ones true essence to shine through... a feeling of your energy body softening, with ease, releasing false beliefs, fear, worries, anxiety, addictions, and any tension being held in the body, allowing a reset of the nervous system to take place. It will raise your vibrational frequency pushing out dense energies allowing for new habits to form, allowing for a new set of wings and beliefs to emerge.
Works with blue galactic beings, whales, ocean, water, the color blue, throat chakra
Connected to the energy of Molokai: Molokai embodies the word "getaway" Life moves at a leisurely pace.
When one is being triggered, it can assist with the ability to take a pause before reacting or responding to a situation from a past traumatic experience...reminding us to take a breath and check in with our highest self, our heart space and only respond if necessary or at all after checking in and coming to a neutral perspective. (Hooponopono Hawaiian healing method)
Opens up consciousness to new paradigms and dimensions...assisting in grounding the physical body, hormonal and menstrual imbalances for women, testosterone imbalances for men.
“The plant spirits began working with me right away, as I experienced shifts and expansions in my life where I had been feeling stuck and noticed that my conscious awareness had increased. I was able to free myself from a core wound within my heart and even though I have finished taking the essence, I still feel supported moving forward and realize that these plant spirits will continue to support me on my journey, for which I am grateful!” Serena Hausen
Mycelium is a fungus that expands below the soil, creating a network of connections between all plant species, something like the Internet. It is considered the oldest living system on Earth. Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of mycelium. The journey to receive the spirit medicine of mycelium was through the portal of an Amanita mushroom. It is not the medicine of the mushroom, but the mycelium feeding it and all mushrooms.
The key energy we all connected to in a class when journeying to mycelium was SURRENDER to the vastness of the ONENESS, while still paying attention to the small details. Expansion and contraction. A deep sense of peace, belonging, and feeling you’re home within it all. Accessed through surrendering.
If you are interested in receiving a customized plant spirit essence remedy to support your journey & transformation, with or without consultation.
Contact: mary@divinenourishment.net
If you would like to purchase any of these powerful plant spirit essences above,
cost for 1oz bottle is $26.00. This price includes shipping within the United States, including Hawaii
Please make sure you include your mailing address, as well as your email with your order in case I need to contact you to fulfill your order
“I have had the privilege of using many of The Divine Nourishment Apothecary plant spirit essences and remedies for several years now and I wanted to share some of my experiences. Most recently, my favorite and much needed remedy is the Ghost Pipe Plant Spirit Essence. I have been healing some deep pain and heartbreak and the Ghost Pipe Medicine has been supporting this journey in such a beautiful and gentle way, providing me with a soothing ointment deep within the places in my being that have been aching and ruptured. Although it is difficult to articulate what it feels like, I will give it a try. The ghost pipe essence medicine feels just like a gentle and loving mother who is present to watch me grow and evolve and knows just when to step in and provide something and when to step back and allow me to find my own way and feel the pain and grief. Along with the above description, a visual that illustrates the effect of the Ghost Pipe Plant Spirit Essence medicine for me, is Kintsugi, the Chinese pottery repair method that fills the pottery cracks with liquid gold. With the crevices and striations, the pottery is believed even more beautiful and unique than ever before. That is how the Ghost Pipe Plant Spirit Essence feels as she works her magic within me. She is slowly and gently filling the nooks and crannies of my fractured being with warm, loving, subtle gold and the totality of this creation feels more beautiful, whole and unique than was ever possible before. With the Ghost Pipe medicine’s support along with my own committed work, I have made massive leaps forward in the evolution of my soul’s journey! Thank you Ghost Pipe Plant Spirit Essence and Divine Nourishment Apothecary! “ Sue Lukas