
To Life, Death, & LOVE

Nine Month Experiential Live Zoom Program

Every Other Tuesday Beginning September 24th, 2024-

Tuesday, June 17th 2025

7:00 - 9:00PM EST

What if surrendering to life is also surrendering to death,

Surrendering to death is also surrendering to LOVE,

Surrendering to LOVE creates life,

And, divine magic is a golden thread that weaves it all together?

This wild ride of our human journey, that includes the holy awe, holy shit, and everything in between! Woven into the death of an old paradigm, and birth of a new. A journey that is filled with divine magic guiding us through every flavor of adventure that supports our individual and collective soul’s evolution. We signed up for this wild ride, with the highs, lows, beauty, messiness, pain, ecstasy, and every other flavor imaginable. But, how well are we able to recognize the gifts, love, and magic that is supporting our journey, through life, as well as our death? What would it feel like to deepen our embrace of this ride through the death of an old paradigm, birth of a new, and higher energy frequency, participating as fully as possible? Aligned with what that is for each of us.

 This program is an experiential adventure and journey supporting you to ultimately walk through both life and death as a gift, to ourselves, our loved ones, and the collective field. By not denying all the flavors of experiences that have masterfully guided our evolution, we can more easily let go of the fear of both life and death, so we may embrace them both, while feeling held, supported and loved.

My path has been about death, transformation, and rebirth, over and over, aligned with the elemental intelligence of nature. I have received tremendous human support, as well as from spirit allies who have masterfully choreographed every step of the way…..even when I had no idea they were.

About fifteen years ago my spirit allies got my full attention as an active and willing participant to make friends with death. A journey I could never have conceived, as I’m sure many can relate to. During these fifteen years I was transforming my own relationship with death and preparing myself to have a good one, with my dear shaman soul sister, Marna McGee, death walking me in alignment with the directives we were both receiving from our spirit allies.

What an extraordinary ride that I didn’t share, except to a few close friends, out of fear of being dismissed as insane, and wanting to hold it close to my own heart and soul because of the holy awe of it, with plenty of gnarly, holy shit moments along the way.

Funny thing happens when you age and are in the final season of your life. You don’t care if you’re dismissed by those who can’t resonate with the holiness of your unique soul’s journey. And, if possible, you don’t want to take the wisdom and guidance you have cultivated with you when you die, that can support others to honor the holiness of their unique soul’s journey.

Even though all these years my journey has been preparing me to have a good death, coming to a sense of completion on a soul level, it became obvious the walk I have been doing is also a valuable archetypal map, and should be shared in a way that can serve others. Even though I have offered bits and pieces of the journey, with many expressing their personal versions of letting go, and walking with death, I wasn’t able to tie the pieces together. But, I had a recent experience that showed me very clearly why the guidance I have received so intensely around letting go, trusting, and surrendering is so incredibly important. It did indeed tie the pieces of my life’s journey together, and removed any doubt about this offering.

It is time to share, and support those who resonate with the journey of surrendering to Life, Death, & LOVE. A love that extends beyond the cultural narrative. A death walk that takes one beyond cultural fears. The realization that Life, Death and LOVE cannot be separated. And, the journey is pure magic.

I have mapped out some major soul evolving portals I traversed that are clearly not just personal to me, but collective and archetypal. This map supports you on the personal level, as well as your contribution to the collective, filled with realizations, wisdom, and deepening of your relationship with your own soul’s multi-dimensional guidance and surrender to life, death, magic, and ultimately LOVE.

This nine month journey is created and designed to be experiential aligned with your own unique unfolding, deepening your ability to listen, connect the dots, and be shown what you need to let go of, what you need to embrace, trust your own soul’s guidance, recognize the magic unfolding for your evolution, receive the LOVE that holds you, and surrender to it. We will utilize creativity, ritual, movement, music, journeys, magic, energy practices, soul retrieval, and homework that deepens your relationship with the natural world, what comes up that supports the experience as it unfolds, as well as some storytelling.

There will be guest presenters, facilitators, and a resource list of practitioners you can book a session with outside of the program, who are aligned with our journey.

It is your adventure to walk through, and it is your responsibility to take the journey the best of your ability, and receive as much as you can. The journey will support you to integrate it into your life on a soul and personal level, so you can apply it as you walk forward long after the program ends. And, supports you to acknowledge, honor, own, and steward your unique walk and inner guidance.

  Some Portals of the Journey

Making friends with death

Untangling enmeshment disguised as love

Navigating the fear of survival as everything falls away

Utilizing immense support from the plant kingdom as sacred allies

Restoring sacred union within our own heart, and it’s role in creation

Slowing down so you can recognize the guidance and gifts you’re being offered

Turning to Mother Earth for solace, inspiration, and support accessing deep inner joy

Shifting focus to relating to yourself as soul, and surrendering to your own guidance

Preparing yourself to be a good ancestor, in the autumn and winter of your life

Meeting and embracing your inner dragon at the gateway of your heart

Showing up, & taking action when all is aligned to answer the call

Surrendering to the void between deaths and rebirths

Rebirthing through the womb of Mother Earth

Sacred Reciprocity of first and last breath

Letting go, letting go, letting go

Trust, Trust, Trust

Surrendering to Life, Death, & LOVE

Nine month live zoom program

Every Other Tuesday, Beginning September 24th, 2024-June 17th 2025

7:00 - 9:00PM EST

Cost: $1,200 paid in full,

$1,350 paid monthly at $150 per month

Zelle, check, or cash is preferable method of payment if you don’t need to use a credit card. Contact me through email to get zelle account info


If paying through Paypal please add transaction fee to your payment of 3%. If paying in full, $1,200, transaction fee is $35.00

Thank you

Please make sure you include your email address when making payment!

Contact me if you would like to customize a payment plan